Prenatal Yoga Series Info

The Structure

Each class of the series correlates to each week of your pregnancy, beginning with Week 13. I begin the series on this week as prior to this point, many pregnant folks are feeling super fatigued and/or nauseous, and not really feeling up to getting on the mat. However, sometimes by the 13th week, those symptoms begin to subside and the idea of a yoga class may feel way more doable. Every class is 60-90 minutes in duration and designed to target the common pregnancy discomforts that may be showing up for you on that specific week (i.e. indigestion, lower back pain, round ligament pain, edema, etc), as well as to give you some sweet time to connect with your body, breath & baby (or babies). If you’d like a more detailed description of a specific class, just click the class thumbnail image or the class title. Feel free to practice each weekly class as many times as you like throughout that specific week, or even a couple weeks beyond the intended week, so long as it continues to feel safe & to support you physically, energetically & mentally.

The series was built gradually - I filmed each week as it aligned with my pregnancy so that I could move through this process with you. Classes are available as a single class, as a segment of 4 consecutive classes or as the full she-bang. The segments are divvied up as follows: Segment 1: Weeks 13-16, Segment 2: Weeks 17-20, Segment 3: Weeks 21-24, Segment 4: Weeks 25-28, Segment 5: Weeks 29-32, Segment 6: Weeks 33-36, and Segment 7: Weeks 37+ (this segment is organized a bit differently. The series page has all the details).

The Cost

Unlike the donation-based videos in the Video Gallery, these classes are available for purchase. You are welcome to purchase just a single class for $17, a segment of 4 consecutive classes for $64 ($16/class), or pre-pay for the complete 28 class series for $405 ($15/class).

To see if we’ll be a good fit together, Week 13 of Segment 1 is complimentary, and the full segment is offered at a discount. If you are further along in your pregnancy than Week 13, feel free to shoot me an email for a complimentary class. To buy a single class, click the Purchase This Class button under the class thumbnail image. To buy all 4 classes of a particular segment, click the Purchase Full Segment button, and for the whole series, click the Purchase Complete Series button at the end of this section. You’ll then fill out the form & submit your payment (via credit card or PayPal). If you’d like to pay via Venmo, please find me @wild_heart_yoga and specify which class(es) you’d like to purchase. Once payment is received, I’ll email you the link to the video(es) within 12 hours.

If you purchase a single class, but decide you’d like a full segment, or purchase a full segment, but decide you’d like the complete series, I’ll happily prorate the cost.

Thank you so much for your interest! I look forward to supporting you throughout this extraordinary experience.

Purchase Complete Series