Week 34

An 80 minute practice devoted to the 34th week of your pregnancy. We’ll continue to find space in the hip joints this week, to help ease discomfort in the lower back & release the ligaments & muscles of the pelvis to assist in optimal fetal positioning. Begin with seated butt & hip openers, move into a gentle & repetitive tabletop to downdog flow, and build into a sequence of kneeling & standing postures designed to focus on increasing hip mobility, supported balances & sun salutations safe for pregnant bodies in the middle of their third trimesters. We’ll move to the wall for a brief sacral massage, return to the floor for deeper hip openers & end in a supported heart opener for savasana.

You’ll need all your props for this class: 2 Blocks, a Blanket, a Strap, a Bolster & Wall Space

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